Wednesday 13 February 2013

Puasa hari 1

Hari ini adalah hari puasa pertama. Mengapa kita berpuasa? Tentu bukan untuk mengejar kesalehan tertentu, atau untuk mendapatkan hadiah atau imbalan tertentu dari Tuhan. Kita berpuasa karena tubuh ini memang harus dilatih. Tubuh harus dilatih dari segala "kelekatan." Kelekatan inilah yang membuat hidup kita tidak bisa bahagia tanpanya. Apa itu? ada banyak hal. Makanan adalah  salah satunya. Mengurangi salah satu jam makan, atau meniadakan makanan kesukaan dalam menu harian selama program puasa ini adalah latihan yang baik. Kita bisa menggantikan jam makan dengan saat untuk berbagi bersama sesama. Dan lihatlah, kita akan menemukan makna hidup dan kebahagiaan yang hakiki.

Ada hal lain lagi yang penting saat puasa. Pikiran dan hati kita pun harus dilatih untuk tunduk kepada Otoritas Tertinggi di hidup kita. Manusia sering lupa bahwa hidupnya terbatas, sehingga ia sering bertindak di luar batas. Bahkan agama pun digunakan sebagai alat legalitas perbuatannya. Asalkan ada ayat-ayat Alkitab cukuplah untuk membuktikan bahwa apa yang kita lakukan itu sesuai dengan kehendak Allah. Benarkah demikian?

Puasa Pra paskah dimulai sejak Rabu Abu. Persis hari ini. Abu mengingatkan kita akan kefanaan manusia, "...sebab engkau debu dan akan kembali menjadi debu..." (Kejadian 3:19) Artinya, kita bukanlah Yang Mahakuasa, yang tanpa batas. Kita hanyalah makhluk terbatas. Kita punya waktu hidup yang terbatas. Maka dengan berpuasa, kita diingatkan bagaimana menggunakan waktu dan hidup yang terbatas ini untuk melakukan sesuatu yang bernilai kekal. Apa itu? Belajar mengasihi Allah dengan menaati Dia. Begitu pula belajar mengasihi Allah dengan mengasihi ciptaan-Nya pula. "Berpuasa yang Kukehendaki ialah supaya engkau membuka belenggu-belenggu kelaliman, dan melepaskan tali tali kuk, supaya engkau memerdekakan orang yang teraniaya dan mematahkan setiap kuk, supaya engkau memecah-mecah rotimu bagi orang yang lapar dan membawa ke rumahmu orang miskin yang tak punya rumah, dan apabila engkau melihat orang telanjang, supaya engkau memberi dia pakaian dan tidak menyembunyikan diri terhadap saudaramu sendiri!" (Yesaya 58:6,7).

Ini adalah bacaan pada puasa hari pertama yang saya kutip dari Buku Refleksi 40 Hari Doa dan Puasa
oleh GKI Manyar Surabaya.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

40 days of fast

tomorrow is going to be the first day of 40 days of fast before easter (except for Sundays). this will be the first time for me since years ago. The point is to fokus on Lord Jesus.

Everybody's fine

everybody's fine. That's the title of the movie I just watched. it makes me feel just a litte bit of what my parents might feel towards us, the children. I can't describe it by words, I just know. I should've called them often even if just to say hello and ask how they're doing. I miss mom and dad. I miss home.

Sunday 10 February 2013


There'll be camp this week. I was so happy about it, considering this will be my first camp in my life, but now I have to admit it that, I'm no longer interested in it. There are so many things we need to bring and even pay for that. Well, it couldn't be worst if I have all the things I need to bring. But facing the fact that almost the stuff like carrier bag, mitten, chocolate, cargo trousers, kerpus (I don't even know what does it mean until my friends told me, it's kinda hat that thieve usually wears, and I was like WHAT?? Why on earth we need to bring such a thing, I'm not a thieve), and so on. I need to rent, I need to ask my mom send it for me, I need to buy, and I need to borrow.. so troublesome.

The camp will be held on 15 to 17 of February 2013. I bet we'll be ordered to give the chocolate to seniors or someone we like, yeah stuff like that considering the valentine day. I'm sure it we'll be interesting, but I prefer to have the chocolates to myself though... lalalaaaaa :D ... if that's the case perhaps I should buy cheap chocolate like coin chocolate.. hhaaahaa.. so greedy of me.. XD.

The camp is Enviro camp and it's called EnviCation. After all, this is still my first camp, so I need to do better in everything, and make it memorable.

Oh yeah I got "STACK" as my camp's name. Seniors told us to find the meaning of the name and connect it to our character. It's easy to find the meaning, and it's so troublesome to find the connection. I think they just given me a random name which has nothing to do with my character. Lalalaaaa kik

Tuesday 5 February 2013

My new sister ...

2 weeks ago.. I met my new sister from south africa. She visited Indonesia to meet her new family. At first she was shy. But she always smile whenever I saw her. My first impression was that she's a friendly person. She stayed for about 5 days with us.

She brought us, some chocolates which were so delicious, and also kurma which tasted like cakes. I don't know what is 'kurma' in english. Based on dictionary, kurma is 'palm date'. haha I don't know, whatever.

It was fun being with her. Not to mention she only speaks english so it was also a chance for me to improve my speak ability. Oh ya, she's a flight attendant in Dubai. She has a good taste in fashion and likes nail painting. She often paints my nails. And when she had nothing to do she would ask me to remove the polish on my nails and then paint it again with different colour... lol .. I also got my hair strainghten by her.

She really likes my mom's cook. She adapted fast with the family. Our favourite tv program is 'Take Me Out'.. All of my family and her with gathered in the family room and then watch the program together. She's also part of  family now.

The night before depart to Bali, she said that she already get used to the family, even at first we are so shy.. she promise to visit us again.

We called her Trisha. She's my brother girlfriend.

I really want to write this on my diary, but too lazy too do it :D  heheee ...
(left to right) my sister sindy, me, trisha, my sister ria.