Sunday 23 December 2012

Natal di hatiku ...^^

Menurut waktu dan jam Indonesia bagian barat, malam natal kurang lebih 29 jam dan 30 menit lagi. Ini adalah pertama kalinya bagi saya untuk merayakan natal sendiri tanpa keluarga. Sejujurnya saya biasa saja, karena saya merasa bahwa saya sudah cukup dewasa untuk mengerti apa arti natal. Yang penting selama persediaan uang saya masih dalam batas aman, saya paling tidak bisa jalan-jalan lah ke mall atau ke tempat lain trus beli makanan kecil, kue-kue kering dan beberapa minuman untuk menemani natal kali ini. Kan jarang-jarang juga natal sendirian kayak gini. Saya memang bukan penganut hedonisme, hanya saja karena ini natal dan saya pun sendiri, saya rasa saya berhak lah bersenang-senang sedikit.

Saat berbincang-bincang lewat telpon seluler bersama kakak saya beberapa hari lalu, saya dihadapkan pada kenyataan bahwa saya sepertinya harus berhemat bulan ini. What??? I mean this is Christmas, and I'm alone here by myself ... hellowwww,,, is anyone care?... oh tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan... awalnya saya marah walaupun tidak secara terang-terangan mengatakannya.

Namun setelah mendengar penjelesan dari kakak saya, saya rasa bahwa saya tidak punya hak untuk marah sama sekali. Malahan saya seharusnya bersyukur, karena sampai saat ini saya masih berkecukupan, masih bisa makan setiap hari, di kamar ada susu dan sereal yang selalu menemani untuk sarapan, dll. Dan tidak ada satupun hal dalam hidup saya yang membuat saya tidak bisa bersyukur pada Tuhan Yesus. Natal adalah hari kelahiran Juruslamat bagi dunia. Yang menjadi tokoh utama dalam Natal itu bukanlah santa klaus, makanan, minuman, pohon natal ataupun kado, melainkan Tuhan Yesus sendiri. Saya sebenarnya sudah mengerti tentang ini sejak lama, karena sering menjadi topik-topik khotbah natal di gereja, tapi kalau sudah dialami sendiri rasanya berbeda. Memang yah mengerti sesuatu karena sekedar tahu  itu berbeda dengan mengerti karena mengalaminya sendiri.

Sudah dipastikan bahwa natal kali ini, tidak akan ada makanan dan minuman yang spesial di dalam kamar kos saya. Juga tidak akan ada jalan-jalan ke mall beli ini dan itu. Saya belajar bahwa dalam kekurangan sekalipun, saya masih dimampukan untuk bersyukur itu merupakan kesempatan yang istimewa. Ini bukannya mencari-cari alasan untuk menghindari rasa malu karena tidak punya apa-apa. Saya tidak malu sama sekali. Melihat apa yang masih ada pada saya sekarang dan mengetahui bahwa keluarga saya di sana juga baik-baik saja, saya rasa itu merupakan hal yang terbaik. Tuhan Yesus tidak bisa kasih yang baik, Dia cuma bisa memberikan apa yang terbaik bagi kita. Natal tidak akan berarti tanpa kasih Kristus.

Kisah saya ini mirip-mirip dengan lagu 'natal di hatiku' yang ditulis oleh Jonathan prawira.



Saturday 22 December 2012

Fear of Public Speaking

I attended an ITS Foreign Language Society (IFLS) seminar today and this is what I've got ^^
the speaker was Mr. Fuad.

Friday 21 December 2012

The Chronicles of Narnia Piano

I'm a big fan of The Chronicles of Narnia both books and movies.
I downloaded this few years back somewhere through google.
When I have the opportunity, I'll make sure to learn these pieces. ^^


Just finished watched Sword Art Online ep. 23 yesterday. It was great. The drawing was a little bit different with the manga.

Now I'm downloading ep.24 ...

I heard that in ep 24 they finally reunite each other (kirito and asuna). It's so boring watching him with his 'brother complex' sister in ALfheim Online. The Land of Fairies sounds good to me, but I'd rather prefer their appereance in SAO. Kirito was so different in ALfheim, his appereance and character. He's much cooler and cuter in SAO,  I think the fairy character doesn't really suit him ^^. And Asuna as always is beautiful both in SAO and ALfheim.

Can't wait to watch the next ep.

Friday 14 December 2012

a story about friends (BBF)

when I was in junior high school I met 4 friends. they are 
                                                      mariani, puput, asniar, and anis. 

Because of them my junior high (jh) was so much fun. I was originally not in the same class with them at my first year. But I don't know, somehow I got transfer into another class after spending my very first week in jh. Mariani(from different class) was also like me, she got transfer into another class which was the beginning of our friendship.

Maray ( Mariani nick's) and me got into a new class called 7A. There we met Puput, Asniar and Anis. I knew maray since elementary, we are from SD2 (Elementary 2) while puput, asniar, and anis from SD1 ( Elementray 1). SD 1 and SD2 were private school under the same company. I don't know why it is separated. Actually the schools were located in the same place, but because of unidentified reason, the students were barely talk one another.

It is also because of another unidentified reason, we somehow was getting closer. Maybe because we're often in one group if there's a project.

When other girls were talking about fashion, boys or lesson, we had our own different topics. Well, not really different actually cause sometimes we also talked about fashion, boys, etc.. but in different story and version. The topic was randomly picking when we  had something in our mind. We were often talked about something imaginable, abstract, mystery, or unspeakable. We also had our own gossips and jokes. When we were together, there's always something to talk, to chat, and to laugh at.
asniar's shoes (how funny when she was trying to act like nothing happend in front other people while she's dragging her feet.)

We had our own world. We like books (harry potter, the chronicles of narnia, ulysses moore, etc..), musics, movies, and we like to compete each other. That was the first time I began to take my lesson seriously. I learnt so much from them.

On the second year, we were also in the same class. I don't know how but, somehow we were included in the class which contain the student's who's final score is in the top 32 in the school (if I'm not mistaken). and I was like WOW... LoL we really made it. The same amazing thing happend in the third year. we're in the same class again... really that was a record. I love it, but it really took a lot of effort to be able to get into that class. The students were pretty much the same with the second year. 

My third year was the most unforgetable moment in junior high. Many things happended.

That was more or less 3,5 years ago. Now we are continuing our study in different majors. Anis; mathematics, Maray; information technology, Puput; information system, Asniar; farmacy and me; environmental engineering, all in different colleges and places, except me and anis. :p

once a friend, forever a friend. that's why it is bloody friends forever.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

English is fun

This is the speech that was supposed to be performed 1 year ago in a speech and poetry reading contest. Due to some problems I was disqualified together with my friend: Elida Yuliani (poetry reading). it took a lot effort to make this, so I think it might be usefull for some people ^^

English is very useful to us because of we can communicate internationally, we can make friends with people around the world, it helps us to gain success, and so on. That are common things to say when someone ask you why English is important.
Even though everyone knows that English is useful and important, it doesn't guarantee that they also feel English is fun.
English is fun and it is not difficult at all. Personally, I do think English is fun and easy. I believe that the key point is our perception. If our perception 'English is easy' so it will be. On the other hand, if we think it is hard, then it is hard. Saying 'English is easy' is easy and saying 'it's difficult' is also easy. It needs the same amount of time, and it is also free, but the affect is different. Saying English is easy will make us think it's easy and keep our spirit up. Saying it difficult will make us think it's difficult. Many motivators say that you are what you say.
In fact it won't be easy as saying it. To make English becomes easy, we need not only perception, but also effort. Being able to speak English isn't something that came from dreamland, but comes by effort. In learning English we can choose which method is the most convenient for us. Maybe some will say; it's still hard, it has no use at all. I do believe that there's nothing instant in learning. It's not magic which result will come in a short time. Learning needs process. First time I learnt English just because I don't want to get a low score in the subject. I found English is interesting and fun when I finally get the profit. I've met many friends outside Indonesia. And it is fun to be able to communicate with them. I also like to watch western and animation film. And of course they use English. If there's an interesting sentence I'll wrote it and search for the meaning in dictionary. That's my effort; the method I chose was chatting and watching which are also my hobbies.

English is easy. I believe it is not just 'easy' but conditional easy. All of us here are still learning. Just like the rise and fall of the tides, life also has its ups and downs. Sometimes feel so diligent, sometimes feel so lazy. It doesn't matter and actually it is natural. Just don’t stop learning.
Think you need English very much. People will be very good in learning a language when they need to use that language. For example, you are in vacation then were lost in London, just in several months you comeback to Indonesia you'll be able to speak English well. Why? It is because that's the only choice you have to survive you need you be able to speak English. But to be able speak English well, we don't need to lost in London, just make friends with those who can speak English, as for me it is chatting. I learnt most of my vocabulary not in school, but by chatting with many people in internet. When you met someone in chatting and then he asks you something you don't know the meaning, you have no choice you need to search it in dictionary then you can finally answer it. That's the way I learnt English. I realized, even we come from many different countries, only by English we can truly communicate and understand each other.
The last one is to share. Don’t keep your knowledge to yourself. When you share you gain happiness. I have a dream to be able to speak English fluently. I'm sure you do the same. This will probably inspire you to keep your dream in balance, not just dreaming but also start doing something to achieve your dream.
In conclusion, It won't be easy as saying it. When it becomes easy, there's no challenge. When there's no challenge, there's no fun, isn't it? That's why English is fun.

 sorry if there's grammatical error.


teringat masa sma gue

Ada yang bilang kalau masa sma adalah masa yang paling ga bisa dilupakan. Pas gue masih sma, ngedenger kata-kata ini emang terasa aneh. Apanya coba yang ga bisa dilupakan?... apalagi masa sma gue tuh pisah sama ortu alias gue ngekos nun jauh di kota orang demi pendidikan... LoL soooooo cliche.. not me banget. Lanjut ya.. jadi singkatnya gue tuh pas sma biasa ajehh, temen-temen deket sih punya ya... tapi prestasi akademik gue jatuh rek... hikss :( gue baru dihadapkan pada kenyataan klo gue tuh "mungkin" tidak berbakat dalam bidang matematika.

Nahh barusan nih ye.. gue ngeliat foto2 sma gue dlu bareng temen-temen dari kelas 1 ampe kelas 3. Gue baru sadar, ternyata emang unforgetable banget. Gue kangen masa-masa itu. Dari gue tk sampe sma, kata-kata pe-er alias pekerjaan rumah itu emang ga ada habisnya. klo pas kuliah ne pe-er diganti jadi tugas... eewww .. Gue baru mulai masuk kuliah tahun ini, jadi masih belon terlalu ngerasain asiknya masa-masa perkuliahan tuh gimana ditambah juga ada pengkaderan (ospek kampus) yang lamanya tuh 6 bulan lebih ..mmm ga kebayang.. but thank's GOD gue masih bisa bertahan sampe sekarang :)

Masa-masa SMA adalah masa dimana gue belajar banyak hal-hal yang baru. Mulai dari belajar program komputer secara otodidak sampe belajar ngatur duit bulanan gue #maklum gue mengecap kehidupan kos mulai dari sma hehee. Belajar susahnya nyari temen yang baik(dari gue TK sampe smp, temen-temen gue ga jauh berubah alias itu itu ajeh, maklum swasta) Sma, gue pengen ngerasain gimana skolah negri, dan jadilah gue masuk SMAN1 B--------n. Di tahun pertama gue, uda jago maen kartu... hahaaa maklum temen-temen gue bandar semua #oopss hahaa klo lgi ada ad guru, kerjaanya pasti maen kartu melulu yang kalah mukenye di bedakin ampe jelek. Di tahun pertama jugalah gue mulai terjangkit dengan virus menular yang namanya K-pop fever dari kakak kos sebelah kamar. Waktu itu gue lagi homesick tingkat tinggi (tiap hari nangis), dan jadilah pas gue uda mulai kenal K-pop, homesick gue tergantikan dengan 'korean freak-mode on' gue.  Di tahun pertama juga gue mulai ikut eskul bahasa inggris n olim. astronomi. untuk bing, gue cman ikut 1 hari, trus berhenti, soale ank2nya jago banget cuy debatnya, gue rasa itu bkan  tempat gue, dan lanjut dengan olimp. astronomi, gue ikut ini (atau bisa dibilang ikut-ikutan) tuh gue lupa sejarahnya gimana, yang gue inget gue tiba-tiba masuk aja gitu di olimp ini.. dan di olimp ini pun gue ngga bertahan lama.

sebenarnya gue masih pengen lanjut cerita, tapi mood gue tiba-tiba berubah.. so next time aj deh, pas mood gue lagi pengen ngelanjutin. C u ^^

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Holla ^^

Hi, I'm gloria ... a college student.18 y.o.

novels and comics. classic music. piano. imagination. song. swim. tennis. sport. colorful. reading. sometimes writing. unvertebrata. browsing. drama. K-pop. dogs. nature. yellow. tree. grass. air. water. rain. english. me.